Our alums, Kerim Moukadem’11 and Ege Altan’12, returned to Hisar on 6 January 2016 to share their knowledge and experiences with our high school students.

Alum Chat:

Kerim met with our 15 high school students, faculty and staff at lunchtime and had pizza together while talking about his life after Hisar. Last year, he graduated from Columbia University having studied Materials Science & Engineering and is currently pursuing a PhD in Physics and Molecular Engineering at the University of Cambridge. He is also a member of the band, “Behind the House”, which is composed of 5 Hisar alums. They just released their first single last month.The high school students asked Kerim many questions such as how he managed to get acceptances from such dream universities, the challenges of university life, social life in university, and how it is to be a student in the US vs UK. Apart from that, Kerim spoke about how he spares spare time for music and his other hobbies. The students also talked about their own dreams/goals and asked Kerim for his opinion.We invite all our alums to volunteer for such warm and interesting chats with our students. If interested, we kindly ask our interested alums to contact the Alumni Office.

Alum Lecture:

Our alum Ege, currently a senior studying Biomedical Engineering at Washington University St Louis, was our guest lecturer in a 10th grade Pre-AP science class. While sharing his experiences with the 20 students in the class, he also inspired them for their own university careers. The students really enjoyed and learned a lot from the talk. We hope that alums will return to school to participate in such “alum lectures”.We kindly invite our interested alums to contact the Alumni Office to volunteer for an alum lecture.