15th LTEN (Learning and Technology Exchange Network) Conference was hosted by Hisar School on Friday, February 17, with 45 schools and 120 participants. In the organization attended by many educators, expert speakers shared their experiences under the scope of the theme “Future Ready Schools.”

During sessions in which Kayhan Karlı, Müjdat Ataman, Göksel Gürsel, Uzm. Dr. Kerem Dündar, Aylin Durmaz, Nesile Yalçın and Engin Ayaz took part, participants had many ideas on topics ranging from flexible learning environments to future brain training.

In addition, participants shared the failure stories they experienced in their education life in TeachMeet/”Make Fail Learn” session.

We would like to thank all our speakers and participants who contributed to this event organized by our Computer Science Education and IT departments.