By using the piperine material obtained from the black pepper plant, our 11st grade students Ece D. and Deniz U. worked on the project of “The Extraction of Piperine (C17H19NO3) from Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) and the Usage of it in Ethanolic Solutions as an Effective Adsorbent for Carbon Dioxide (CO2)” in order to reduce the carbon dioxide gas that creates a greenhouse effect in the atmosphere. With this study, our students are invited as guest speakers for the “Environmental Chemistry 2020” conference in Athens, Greece, and as presenters for their poster for the “9th International Conference on Environment, Chemistry and Biology (ICECB 2020)” and “11th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Applications (ICEEA 2020)” held in in Helsinki, Finland.

Also, our 11st grade students, Can A. and Sera G., worked to find an alternative way to remove cadmium metal from phosphorus fertilizers, industrial wastes and plumbing pipes and wrote an article named as “Adsorption of Cadmium Contaminated Wastewater Using Lemon (Citrus Limon) Peel”. They are accepted to the “5th Green and Sustainable Chemistry” conference in Dresden, Germany and will share their work and results at the conference with the world of science. Nowadays, cadmium metal is mixed with agricultural products directly to water and indirectly, causing chronic diseases in humans, and various methods have been developed for cleaning in waters. Our students, who are trying to produce an environmentally friendly and sustainable solution to these methods, will make significant contributions to the scientific world by sharing their findings.

Our 11st students, Arman A. and Tuluhan K., are invited to make poster presentation for the “5th Green and Sustainable Chemistry” conference that will be held in Dresden, Germany. In their “Iron Pyrite Thin Films For Photovoltaic Solar Cells” project, our students tried to find a cheap and non-toxic alternative to silicon and CdTe used in solar cells.

We congratulate our students and wish them continued success.