Our teachers, who participated in the webinar “Publishing Scientific Articles with Your Students” organized by the European Innovation Academy, received intensive training on students’ preparation of scientific articles. The teachers who attended this training from countries like Turkey, Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia and Greece, had the opportunity to develop scientific articles with their students.

In this process, the article prepared by our teacher Erkan Çermik from High School Science Department and our High School student Lara N. was entitled to be published in the scientific journal “Open Schools Journal for Open Science”.

The data in the article, which researches with the attitudes of High School students against the distance education model applied in Hisar School during the pandemic process, was collected through three online questionnaires examining the “completion of homework on time”, “communication with teachers”, “access to school resources” and other “learning activities” of all High School students. As a result of the research, the findings showed that High School students have a positive attitude towards the distance education practices of Hisar School and they prefer to work at their own time outside of individual working hours.

You can reach the article “Remote Learning During COVID-19 in Hisar School” by clicking the link.

We congratulate our dear teacher and student for this valuable work and success.