The eight session of “Stronger Together” was held for our teachers under the leadership of our Information Strategies Center.

Our guest teachers, Tuba Bozik, Emine Kutay, and Rebecca Hable focused on the theme of “Course Design Strategies in Distance and Hybrid Education Models” 

In the first part, Tuba and Emine teachers made a presentation about “Information Technologies Course Design Strategies and Project Examples”, and by analyzing  specific tools such as Peardeck, Google Slides, Jamboard, Padlet, they made recommendations to enrich the lessons with interesting stop-motion videos.

In the following part, Rebecca Hable gave our participating teachers the opportunity to become students again. With the presentation “Students Teaching Students: A Jigsaw Group Activity”, our teachers, who are members of the “Pop Culture in the 1960s and 70s” class, were able to experience the learning processes from a student perspective.

The sessions will continue with new themes.