High School Curriculum

Hisar High School offers its students a robust academic program. The curriculum determined by the Ministry of Education is enriched, and international programs are integrated into the academic program.

All subjects are taught in the Grade 9th and Grade 10th program, as is the case for the entirety of high schools in Turkey. From Grade 11th onwards, our students select basic common and elective courses depending on their professional orientation, their interests, and their skills. Thus, they receive a high school education that supports their professional orientation.

By giving our students the opportunity to create their own customized programs, we offer them a high school education that supports their professional orientation, interests, and skills. Our students are able to achieve continuous growth in a student-centered environment that enables them to research, discover, experience, and learn. 

Advanced Placement Program

The AP program is a training program developed and implemented by the College Board. It is practiced and recognized in more than 60 countries in addition to the USA. The program provides students with the opportunity to take university-level courses while in high school and to be exempted from these courses at some universities. In addition to the Ministry of National Education (MEB) program, our students are supported by our AP Program to be successful in AP exams. Our school is an AP exam center and our students have the opportunity to take their exams at our school.

The AP Program opens the way to universities abroad

Advance Placement (AP) is a program implemented first in USA, and then applied all over the world. The AP program is recognized and implemented in more than 60 countries, and provides an opportunity for students to take university level courses while they are still at high school, and be exempt from these courses as they go into higher education. Taking the AP program and AP courses is a big advantage for our students as it accelerates acceptance to universities. These courses are an indicator that these students are better prepared for a university education than those who have not taken any AP courses. These students have taken and passed some courses at university level while they were in high school. In Hisar School, AP courses are selected by taking into consideration students’ needs and desires.

2021 – 2022 Academic Year AP test results released by the College Board are announced;

  • Our students took 502 tests from 23 different courses.

  • In 172 of these tests,  our students scored 5 which is the highest grade; in 337 of the tests our students scored 4 and 5.

Hisar School ranks first in variety of courses among schools in Turkey that support its students with higher level classes directed towards AP exams. Please click to visit our AP Program web page for detailed information.

Preparatory Program

Hisar High School’s Preparatory Program, which was designed to prepare students for academic life, is a 1-year program whose primary objective is to teach English. Offered 24 hours a week, the student-centered English education equips students with leadership, teamwork, independent work, and life skills, which constitute the fundamental and indispensable values of the 21st century.

Students who transfer to Hisar High School from other schools, or from Hisar Middle School when deemed necessary, enroll in a fully interactive Preparatory Program driven by modern knowledge and information technologies in order to develop their English language skills. Our students, who learn to work autonomously through various projects, become active 21st-century citizens by acquiring the skills and values they will use throughout their lives thanks to our rich curriculum. At the end of one year, our students reach the advanced level of English required by our High School.

Proficiency Exam for Preparatory Program

Students who have graduated from Private Hisar Middle School and other schools and who wish to enroll directly in the 9th Grade of Private Hisar High School without participating in the Preparatory Program are obliged to take the English Proficiency Exam for the Preparatory Program. The exam aims to target the academic productivity skills required for Hisar High School by assessing the English language proficiency of students. 

The English Proficiency Exam and related practice tests are prepared by a commission formed by the Hisar Schools Executive Committee. The Commission is comprised of the Department Head of the Hisar High School Preparatory Program, an English teacher from the Hisar High School Preparatory Program, the Head of the English Department at Hisar High School, and the Head of the English Department at Hisar Middle School. A High School Vice Principal chairs the commission. When deemed necessary, internal or external educators who are experts in their field are invited to the commission.

The commission is responsible for preparing the exams, conducting them in a transparent and safe environment, announcing the exam results, and providing regular information to the relevant parties.

The Hisar High School English Proficiency Exam is prepared in accordance with the criteria specified in the “Common European Framework B2”. 

Language Reading Writing and Listening Speaking
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The English Proficiency Exam is held to Grade 8th Hisar Middle School students within one week after 2nd Semester classes end (in May-June), and it is held to students who have graduated from other middle schools and have enrolled in Hisar High School sometime in July, depending on the admissions calendar.

Students who receive a passing grade of 70 out of 100 on the written and oral exam combined for the English Proficiency Exam are deemed successful.

In accordance with the regulations of Secondary Education Institutions under the Ministry of National Education (MEB) and Private Hisar High School, students who are deemed successful upon receiving a passing grade directly start the 9th grade, and students who do not receive a passing grade attend the preparatory program. No make-up exams or repeated exams are held for any reason, with the exception of illnesses, family-related issues, school duties, and other reasons defined in MEB’s Regulation on Secondary Education Institutions.

Grade 7th students of Hisar Middle School take the English Proficiency Practice Exam, prepared by the Committee, at the end of the year, whereas Grade 8th students take it in February. The aim of the practice exam is to guide students regarding the content of the proficiency exam and to enable students to see their levels with respect to their preparations for the English Proficiency Exam. Results on the practice exam are not taken into account when calculating scores for the English Proficiency Exam. 


Our High School English Department consists of teachers whose native language is English and who have gained teaching experience in various schools located in Europe, America, South America, and East Asia.


The High School English Department aims to ensure students gain the following skills:

  • Speaking fluently and confidently in the academic environment and other situations,
  • Reading and thinking critically and analytically,
  • Making different cultures and ideas accessible through reading,
  • Writing in different academic genres (explanatory writing, persuasive writing, etc.)
  • Writing in non-academic genres, including short stories, poems and essays,
  • Gaining experience in the use of various literary genres and tools,
  • Developing listening skills,
  • Being able to follow detailed instructions without assistance,
  • Being able to manage time in long-term projects,
  • Taking notes effectively,
  • Doing research at various levels and properly citing resources,
  • Developing presentation skills,
  • Using technology consciously and appropriately.

    Please click here to get more detailed information about the program.

    Information Technologies

    Technology and innovation are natural parts of Hisar School’s education process. Our aim is to educate our students as active and productive individuals who are equipped with the knowledge and abilities that can be adapted as required by rapidly evolving technological developments and can develop innovative solutions through different perspectives when confronted with a problem.

    We aim for our students to attain the skills of Creativity and Innovation, Communication and Teamwork, Research and Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making, Algorithmic Thinking and Programming, Digital Citizenship and Awareness, Design and Production, and Entrepreneurship and Innovation required in today’s digital age.

    Having a dynamic perspective, our Computer Education department regularly makes the necessary updates and changes in its content and physical equipment. In this respect, it is paramount to ensure students become part of the learning environment within the school ecosystem, promote change and transformation processes targeting the curriculum, methods, and the learning environment to enable students to shape their own learning experience, and encourage students to take part in domestic and international projects, competitions, and events to gain new perspectives and experiences.

    Information Strategies Policy

    At Hisar School, we believe that when used efficiently, technology provides numerous and invaluable opportunities and experiences for the users (students, teachers and staff). When technology is structured and used to support education programs, it will help students to gain 21st-century skills… Read more


    Computer Science

    The Computer Science class offered to students in the Preparatory Program and Grade 9th covers the topics of information security, cybersecurity, digital awareness and ethics, and media literacy in the “Ethics and Safety” unit; accessing information, analysis, teamwork, sharing and structuring information, data analysis, and data visualization in the “Research, Reporting, and Presentation” unit; design thinking and 2D and 3D product design in the “Graphic Design and 3D Design” unit; and problem-solving approaches and the fundamentals of programming in the “Problem Solving and Programming” unit. 

    Pre-AP Computer Science & Robotics

    The content of the Pre-AP Computer Science & Robotics, an elective offered to Grade 10th and Grade 11th students, is designed to serve as a preliminary preparation for the AP CS course. Our curriculum contains the following topics: “Introduction to Programming,” “The Fundamentals of Programming,” “Variables and Variable Types,” “Decision Structures,” “List Creation,” “Software Development Project,” and “Robotics Development Project.” The primary objective is to equip students with experience in problem identification, problem-solving techniques, project creation, and project development in light of these topics. Our students programming exercises and develop projects in Java, an object-based language, within the scope of problem-solving and algorithm development. In addition, we aim to adapt the Python programming language to the topics within our curriculum and incorporate python-oriented projects.

    AP Computer Science A

    Computer science is the most important component that powers the technology, productivity and innovation that drives today’s world. AP CS A covers the topics of computer science, problem solving, design strategies and methodologies, data structures, data processing approaches, algorithms, problem solution analyses, and ethical and social issues. Through the projects they develop in this area, students utilize and develop their robotics, electronics, and advanced-level programming skills.

    AP Computer Science Principles

    Computer science is the most important component that powers the technology, productivity and innovation that drives today’s world. The AP CS Principles course introduces students to the creative aspects of programming, algorithms, big data sets, the internet, cybersecurity, and computing. AP CS Principles course gives students the opportunity to express themselves and use existing technologies to develop applications and solve problems. Through the projects they develop in this area, students utilize and develop their robotics, electronics, and advanced-level programming skills.

    CS Capstone

    Computer science is the most important component that powers the technology, productivity and innovation that drives today’s world. The portfolios students prepare are of utmost importance for their university applications in the field of Computer Science. This course is structured for students who wish to pursue the field of Computer Science, and it requires them to prepare projects covering programming, artificial intelligence, design, electronics and similar processes under the mentorship of their teachers.

    Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 

    In this course, information is provided about the logic on which artificial intelligence technologies are based, thus forming a basic understanding for those who will work with them at the “user” level. Afterward, the implementation of these methods is covered in accordance with the students’ math and programming level, and a foundation is laid to ease the transition to more advanced technical courses. During the course, students develop a project using the Python programming language to perform data processing, search algorithms, machine learning, artificial intelligence applications, and basic artificial intelligence methods. The content of the course is prepared in collaboration with Boğaziçi University.

    Graphic Design 101 

    In today’s world, thinking and self-expression processes involve the use of visual language and design as well as verbal language. In this respect, the Graphic Design course, which high school students take, leverages advanced programs that are widely used in the field. Assignments specific to this field include product development assignments for various digital environments that take into account the principles of color, composition, hierarchy, and typography. In this course, students complete university portfolio assignments, prototype assignments for their projects, interface designs for the applications they develop, and visual identity assignments for school events. This course offers an initial step and background for students who wish to work in areas such as product design, engineering, movie, animation, art, architecture, visual communication design, and advertising.

    Design Thinking and Entrepreneurship 101

    The topics covered in this course include “Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Design Thinking, and Entrepreneurial Vision, Mission and Strategy.” Design Thinking is an approach used in generating solutions to problems and improving processes through the use of specific strategies. This approach, which is a human-oriented process that involves stages for the identification, definition and analysis of the problem, brainstorming solutions, prototype and feedback, was first developed and used at Stanford University. The content of the course is developed based on d.school Stanford resources. Entrepreneurship strategies and innovation hold an important place in this course. Our aim is to enable our students to graduate as individuals who are capable of using innovation processes with an entrepreneurial mindset and developing solutions for problems with a design-oriented perspective.

    Multimedia and Motion Graphics

    As part of the elective Multimedia and Animation class, our students engage in video montage, motion graphics and animation works in line with the principles of design. The primary topics of the course include brainstorming, creativity, storyboarding, camera shooting angles, editing, and composition concepts for a short movie project. Students edit the videos they create, while creating a digital product by combining elements of montage, sound and music, and typography. Our students have the opportunity to compete in and represent our school at national and international events organized in this field. This class builds a significant foundation for students who wish to pursue studies in the field of visual communication design and motion graphics.

    CAD (Computer-aided-design) 101 & 102 

    CAD 101 and 102 primarily focus on fostering the skills needed to create 2D and 3D drawings in a computer environment by way of technical drawing programs. Prior to the creation of original designs, activities are carried out on the topics of recognizing geometric forms, understanding the forms of objects, working with measures, understanding product development processes, and practicing design thinking. 

    The primary objective of this course is to teach students to develop their own original designs as a solution to a problem or need, create 2D and 3D drawings of these designs, and produce these drawings using 3D printers, lasers and CNC technologies.

    A 3D drawing program that is widely used in production technology is taught in the course. This course offers an initial step and background for students who wish to work in areas such as product design, engineering, and architecture. In terms of technical skills, the skills required for sketching, prototyping, modeling, material usage, product presentation file preparation, and animation and production technologies are fostered through coursework on 3 printing, laser cutting, and CNC machining.


    Our Mathematics Department aims to offer our students an enriched mathematics program that will enable them to successfully continue their university education either domestically or abroad.

    The objective of the program is to enable our students to learn mathematical concepts, information, and principles permanently and to enhance students’ existing mathematical potential by improving their critical-creative thinking skills.


    The mathematics program aims to foster the following skills:

    • abstract and analytical thinking,
    • problem solving,
    • finding solutions – formulas,
    • proving the validity and accuracy of the solution-formula found,
    • applying mathematics knowledge in daily life and other disciplines
    • the math program is updated periodically.

    The validity and reliability of the mathematics programs we implement and the progress of our students are constantly evaluated through national and international exams such as PSAT, CEMC (The Center of Mathematics and Computing – University of Waterloo), and practice exams for the university entrance exam (TYT and YKS) that we hold to our students each year.


    Grade 9

    The course is taught 7 hours per week.

    Objective of the Course:

    • Cultivating the mathematical and logical thinking skills of students ,
    • Equipping students with analytical and problem solving skills,
    • Encouraging students to use mathematical skills in their daily lives ,
    • Reinforcing students’ self-confidence to enable them to be independent students in High School.

    Course Content: The content of the course is shaped by the curriculum specified by the Ministry of National Education. New concepts are introduced in Grade 9, and the scope of the concepts taught and Grade 8 and earlier are expanded. The Grade 9 course prepares students for mathematical skills and lays a strong high school mathematics foundation for topics such as geometry, statistics, logics, sets, equations, and inequalities. Students learn how to solve certain real-life related problems in Grade 9. Thus, their mathematical thinking stretches beyond the classroom and focuses on topics more directly related to the real world.

    Google Classroom is used to communicate with students. The syllabus, lesson plan, and other necessary documents are uploaded to Google Classroom. The course materials are fit for both face-to-face and remote learning.


    • Unit 1: Logic
    • Unit 2: Sets
    • Unit 3: Equations and Inequalities
    • Unit 4: Triangles
    • Unit 5: Statistics and Data 

    Technology: Students will learn to use Excel or Google Sheets for data analysis.

    Grade 10

    This course contains important and fundamental math topics that are taught in accordance with the Turkish curriculum. The primary focus of this course is on functions. During the course, in addition to the concept of functions, topics such as polynomial, quadratic, linear, partial and absolute value functions, which make up the foundation of this subject, are covered in consideration of their properties and areas of application. Counting techniques and simple probability problems are taught using real life examples. In addition to topics related to algebra, the concepts of quadrilaterals and three-dimensional objects will develop students’ skills in geometry class and provide a foundation for Grade 11 geometry lessons.


    • Counting Principles, Permutations, and Combinations
    • Simple Probability Problems
    • Functions
    • Polynomials
    • Quadratic Equations
    • Quadrilaterals and Polynomials
    • Three Dimensional Objects

    The skills acquired in this course:

    • Establishing cause-effect relationships and problem solving
    • Choosing tools and calculation strategies
    • Representing real life with mathematical models
    • Communication and Representation

    Grade 11

    At Hisar School, in addition to teaching concepts, techniques, algorithms, and calculations, we ensure that our students understand the advantages of solving math problems through English math programs.

    In addition, we aim to equip our students with competence and flexibility in solving various kinds of problems regardless of the conditions. To this end, we introduce our students to the real world application of mathematics with the help of technology. Similar to other grades, the 11th grade mathematics curriculum is designed to enable students to apply what they have learned in these lessons both in their daily lives and professional lives, and to use mathematics as a method of analysis in decision-making processes.

    The following subjects will be covered in accordance with the curriculum of the Ministry of National Education:

    • Trigonometric Functions
    • Analytical Analysis of Lines
    • Application of Functions
      • Parabolas (Graphs of Quadratic Functions)
      • Function Transformations
    • System of Quadratic Inequalities
    • Circles
    • Three Dimensional Objects
    • Conditional Probability

    Grade 12

    The objective of this course is to cultivate students’ knowledge of basic concepts in higher mathematics (solving differential coefficient and integral problems) and geometry (transformation, analytical circle) to solve applied problems. Functions are expressed graphically, numerically, analytically, and verbally. The foundations of the mathematics knowledge that students will use in the university is also laid. The main topics that are covered are as follows:

    • Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
    • Sequences
    • Trigonometry
    • Limits and Continuity
    • Derivatives
    • Integral
    • Analytical analysis of circles
    • Transformations

    We expect students to gain familiarity with every subject, acquire the basics of higher mathematics, understand the definitions used, and use them to solve problems in both mathematics and everyday life, and expand their math skills.


    Grade 10 Pre-AP Higher Mathematics

    Pre-AP Higher Mathematics is an elective course in which algebra, geometry and functions are taught in conjunction for preparation to higher mathematics. The primary focus of this course is on functions. The course covers the fundamental and important functions relating to this concept, such as linear, partial, absolute value, polynomial, quadratic, trigonometric exponential, and logarithmic functions, as well as the concept of functions. Students model functions and equations using different representations (e.g. numerical, graphical, algebraic, and verbal) and technology (TI-84 calculators), and they solve real-life problems.

    In particular, specific goals will help students with the following:

    • Preparation for university-level math
    • Cultivating the mathematical and logical thinking skills of students
    • Encouraging students to use mathematical skills in their daily lives
    • Gaining the skills necessary to analyze and draw conclusions
    • Unleashing individual potential


    • Introduction to Analytic Geometry
    • Functions
    • Polynomials
    • Quadratic Functions
    • Rational Expressions and Equations
    • Inequalities
    • Trigonometry
    • Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

    Grade 11/12 Higher Mathematics AB/BC

    AP Higher Mathematics promotes the conceptual development of mathematical knowledge. It guides students in making connections between the topics and representations in each lesson. It helps students use strategies and techniques to properly solve different types of problems. While the AP Higher Mathematics AB curriculum is equivalent to the higher mathematics course offered in the first semester of university, the AP Higher Mathematics BC course expands the curriculum of the AB course by including the univariate higher mathematics course.

    The main topics that are covered are as follows:

    1. Limits
    2. Derivatives
    3. Integrals and the fundamental theorem of mathematics (including differential equations)
    4.  (the BC syllabus includes polar and parametric function calculations with infinite integrals)
    5. Sequences – Including the Taylor and Maclaurin sequence (in the BC course only)

    This course is offered to students who have a background in mathematics and possess the necessary work ethic to work independently. The courses require students to graphically and algebraically solve problems using TI-84 calculators as needed. The exam for this course is held in May in all parts of the world. Students are given 45 multiple choice questions. The duration of the exam is 105 minutes. This is followed by 6 open-ended questions. The second session lasts 90 minutes.

    Grade 10/12 AP Statistics

    AP Statistics is taught 4 hours per week. Prerequisites for AP Statistics: Hisar School offers algebra, basic geometry and analytic geometry courses to students between Grade 6 and 8. Students who successfully complete the Grade 9 mathematics course are eligible to take AP Statistics.

    Objective of the Course: The course is centered around learning and applying statistics. Students should be able to develop and apply skills that are regularly explained throughout the lesson.

    • (a) Selecting a Statistical Model
    • (b) Data Analysis
    • (c) Using Probability and Simulations
    • (d) Statistical Argumentation

    Course Content: The course content is divided into the most commonly preferred units to include the recommended stages of the lesson plan. These units generally consist of conceptual and contextual understanding activities that colleges and universities expect students to have a good command of, especially in credit/placement exams.  


    • Unit 1: Exploring One-Variable Data
    • Unit 2: Exploring Two-Variable Data
    • Unit 3: Collecting Data
    • Unit 4: Probability, Random Variables, and Probability Distributions
    • Unit 5: Sampling Distributions
    • Unit 6: Inference for Categorical Data: Proportions
    • Unit 7: Inference for Quantitative Data
    • Unit 8: Inference for Categorical Data: Chi-Square
    • Unit 9: Inference for Quantitative Data: Slopes

    Technology: Students will use graphing calculators such as TI-84 + and TI-Inspire on a daily basis. TI workshops will be organized. Many activities require the use of graphing calculators. Students will learn to read the statistical outputs of certain statistical software. Google Classroom is used to communicate with students. The syllabus, lesson plan, and other necessary documents are uploaded to Google Classroom. The course materials are fit for both face-to-face and remote learning.


    The SAT is among the admission criteria of several universities and colleges. The SAT is a multiple-choice, pencil-and-paper, higher education entrance exam administered by the College Board.

    The purpose of the SAT is to measure a high school student’s readiness for college, and provide colleges with one common data point that can be used to compare all applicants. How important SAT scores are in the college application process varies from school to school. The exam consists of English and Math sections. The mathematics curriculum in Turkey sufficiently covers a majority of the exam’s topics; however, some students may feel the need to develop their skills alongside their compulsory courses. In this exam, statistics and probability questions are intertwined with graph and/or table interpretation questions. Simple problems are hidden in long paragraphs. In short, the exam requires the highest level of practical arithmetic skills. Our course aims to introduce students to these ideas and to help them overcome their weaknesses, if they have any.

    YKS (TYT and AYT) University Preparation Mathematics and Geometry

    The aim of our course is to fully equip students in preparing for the YKS exams. In our lessons, all the subjects of TYT-AYT Mathematics and Geometry from Grade 9 to Grade 12 are covered, information is provided on test techniques, tests from different sources are solved, and our students gain experience through practice exams. Follow-up and feedback are provided according to the results of the practice exam, and tutoring is held according to the needs of the students.

    Modern Languages

    In today’s world, where the limits are increasingly disappearing, the ability to speak foreign languages, in addition to English, presents significant advantages in peoples’ lives. Therefore, Hisar School offers French, German and Spanish lessons to the students.

    In high school education through Grade 12, we follow the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and nurture students who can adapt to the modern world, have knowledge about the cultural and social circumstances of the target language, are competent in the 21st century skills, can think critically and have gained communicational competency in the relevant foreign language.

    In our second foreign language lessons, we adopt a learning program that promotes basic complementary skills (speaking, reading-comprehension, writing, listening), donated with multipurpose activities and integrated with technology. We aim to maintain the interest of students by giving examples from current issues, using original resources (newspapers, videos, songs, movies, articles, etc.) and incorporating the cultural aspects of the language.

    We provide opportunities for students to use their foreign language by organizing various workshops and actively participating in external events.

    At the end of their high school education, our students are directed to take to the “Fit” language proficiency exam for German and the “DELF” language proficiency exam for French, which are administered by authorized institutions in the country, and their levels reach up to A2+/B1.


    Our High-School level German courses are offered to the Prep Class and Grades 9th-10th-11th 3 hours a week, and to Grade 12th 2 hours a week.

    The objective of the High School German course is to enable students to master the structure and vocabulary of the German language, properly express themselves, improve their current language levels in unique contexts, gain familiarity with German culture, and achieve success in the certification exams administered by Cultural Centers.

    Preparatory Class and Grade 9th Beginner Level

    In the Preparatory and Grade 9th Beginner German curriculum, the following topics are covered: greetings, meeting others (introducing yourself), small talks, filling in forms, family members, numbers (0-50), nationalities, professions, physical descriptions, colors, basic clothing items, interest areas, hobbies, sports, musical instruments (in the form of verbs + simple sentences + simple questions), apologizing, writing greeting cards, days, months, seasons, hours, daily routine, class schedule, parts of the house, household items, place-direction prepositions, shop names, simple directions, food and drinks, shopping dialogues, and restaurant dialogues.

    Grade 9 Level 2

    In the Grade 9th – Level 2 German curriculum, the following topics are covered: introducing yourself and others, questions types, filling in forms, nationalities and professions, physical descriptions, character depictions, biographical activities, time, daily routine, story writing, book activities, writing summaries, the environment and its importance, stores, school life, classes, and class schedule.

    Grade 10

    In the Grade 10th German curriculum, the following topics are covered: clothing items, clothing styles, create your own style activity, shopping dialogues, weather, time, parts of the house, life styles, household items, place-direction prepositions, shops, transportation vehicles, directions, foods and drinks, recipes, different cuisines, restaurant dialogues, future plans, and holiday activities.

    Grade 11

    In the Grade 11th German curriculum, the following topics are covered: past holidays, comparison of city life and village life, visual media (types and content of TV programs/types of movies/comparison), current problems of youth and giving advice, the importance of a balanced diet, and sports.

    Grade 12

    In the Grade 12th German curriculum, the following topics are covered: the lives of prominent figures who live in countries where German is spoken, European movies and a poster activity, dialogues and reenactments, the place where I live and my surroundings, and German cuisine.


    At Hisar Schools, general music lessons are provided to Grades 1st, 2nd, 3rd during pre-school education. As a result of the vertical structure of our Music course, our students gradually prepare for branch lessons to be taken from Grade 4th onwards. They become competent in their selected branch during their Middle School and High School education.

    Branch Lessons

    At our school, from the 4th Grade onwards, the general Music lessons are replaced by the instrumental branch lessons to be selected by our students in line with their talents and wishes within the limits of the music curriculum of the Ministry of National Education.

    The main idea behind this system is to teach our students the instruments of their selection. However, generally, a certain trial period has to pass before being certain about the appropriateness of these choices.

    As part of this system, the selection of the best-suited instrument for a student is shaped by our teachers’ observations during music lessons in the 3rd Grade.

    Starting from Grade 4, our students select a branch among the piano, violin, classical guitar, flute, trumpet, saxophone, clarinet, vocals, and percussion, which they continue to learn until the end of Grade 8; they have the chance to enhance their musical instrument education with elective courses in High School.

    After the 5th Grade, our Orchestra Clubs, which carry out activities at the level of Middle School and High School, provide an opportunity to all students to make music collectively.

    The purpose of branches is to help our students learn how to play an instrument well before graduation and take part in school orchestras during their time in school.

    Physical Education

    The Physical Education program of Hisar School follows the curriculum of the Ministry of National Education, keeping in mind the individual needs and differences of the students. Different and original branches of sports are added to the program for our students to experience.


    By taking their individual differences into account, we aim to help our students to gain and maintain a lifelong habit of doing sports on a regular basis upon choosing a branch that best suits them. Our main goal is to provide our students with the basic skills for the sports branch in the units determined according to their grade levels. 


    Physical Education is offered two hours (block schedule) a week in High School.

    Due to physical differences seen in high school students, we organize separate classes for girls and boys for them to take part in applied lessons. The classes are taught within the same hours at 4 different physical areas for 4 different branches on a rotating basis. Students exercise for 4 different branches every 8 weeks.

    Throughout the year, we hold school tournaments between classes at 4-week intervals on predetermined dates.

    At the High School level, the elective football, fitness, squash&table tennis, and badminton courses are offered 2 hours per week (block scheduling) in order to increase students’ competence at branch levels.


    The Science Department at Hisar Schools believes that our students will be able to more effectively cope with the challenges of the future as they get to know the world better and understand how it functions. Our Science program focuses on scientific thought processes that are important for both questioning Science and understanding the world in which we live. All students are provided meaning Science education through Science classes, and they are prepared for the requirements of the 21st century.

    We believe that learning is an active and constructive process. Our objective is to equip students with Science experiences that encourage them to adopt a mindset to transform and improve their environments, solve problems creatively, think critically, partake in teamwork, use technology effectively, and cultivate several other skills used on a daily basis.

    The High School Science program covers Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Students are encouraged to take advanced level courses, including AP®.

    All Science courses are taught in English and a common program is applied for 9th and 10th grade. In line with the mission and vision of the school, the Science Department aims to offer several courses at different levels, including on-line courses, to its students after Grade 11th, which will help them to discover their areas of interest and choose their future profession accordingly.


    The Science Department aims to equip students with the following skills:

    • The ability to investigate a scientific fact in order to collect and analyze data and to interpret the results scientifically in a comprehensible and logical way
    • The ability to engage in effective communication and collaboration with others
    • The ability to receive a passing grade on the end of year exams required by the school and other organizations
    • The ability to effectively use computers when using technology
    • The ability to safely conduct laboratory activities and develop an awareness of environmental issues.


    Grade 9

    The primary objective of this course is to examine life at the molecular and cellular level, investigate how organisms interact with their environment, and learn the biological makeup of organisms.

    Grade 10

    The main objective of this course is to cover important processes, cellular divisions at the molecular and cellular level, reproduction, the basics of genetics, biotechnical developments, the interactions of organisms with their environments from the perspective of the ecosystem. Moreover, the taxonomy unit, which is not included in the curriculum of the previous year, is covered.

    Grade 11

    The main goal of Grade 11th Biology is to cover cellular respiration, photosynthesis, the inner workings of the human body and its behavioral adaptation to the environment.

    Grade 11 AP Biology

    AP Biology was designed as an equivalent to the introductory course taken in the first two semesters of university for students who will pursue Biology. In order to cover the units required by the program, 4 lessons per week over a course of 33 + 2 weeks are taught before the AP exam. The duration of the class is 40 minutes. AP Biology consists of 4 big ideas/themes: evolution, energy processes, information collection, and interactions.

    Grade 12

    The primary objective of this course is to explore the following topics:

    • From genes to proteins
    • Plant biology (parts, functions and physiology, reproduction)
    • Population evolution, tracking evolution
    • Organism communities and ecosystems
    • Population ecology

    Grade 12 Advanced Biology

    Welcome to Advanced Biology. The main aim of this class is to focus primarily on university-level biological concepts. The course covers pharmacogenomics-personalized medicine/drugs, human physiology and disorders, neuroscience, and cancer biochemistry.

    Social Sciences

    The main objective of the courses offered by the Hisar High School Social Sciences Department is to explore the codes and universal values of life through critical thinking, with intellectual sensitivity, and without “othering”, rather than conveying life as a collection of events. All course content and extracurricular activities are structured in line with this approach.

    Course announcements, exam topics, unit booklets, worksheets, supplementary texts, and project topics at all levels are issued through Google Classroom.


    In Social Sciences courses taught from Grade 9th to Grade 12th courses, facts and events are taught with a spiral progression approach in accordance with basic concepts, and the goal is to enable students to acquire skills through experience and transfer them to the real world.

    The basic skills that are targeted in courses are as follows:

    • Analytical thinking
    • Synthesis
    • Critical thinking
    • Perceiving and interpreting space and time
    • Establishing cause-effect relationships between facts and concepts
    • Practicing human rights norms and values
    • Thinking and interpreting in line with universal values
    • Interpreting visual material
    • Conducting research
    • Reading-Listening
    • Taking notes and creating texts
    • Making presentations
    • Transferring knowledge


    All topics and interactions in the subject of Geography have been determined in accordance with a holistic approach, and the topics and themes under the learning areas of Natural Systems, Human Systems, Spatial Synthesis, Turkey, Regions, Countries, the Environment, and Society have been integrated into Grade 9th-10th-11th-12tg courses.

    In Grade 9th, the focus is on gains relating to the learning area of Natural Systems, and the topics Nature and People, Map Reading, the Earth’s Shape and Movements, and Climate Elements are covered at this level. The objective throughout the year is to further students’ skills in reading and using maps, making observations and inquiries, creating and interpreting graphs, tables and diagrams, perceiving time, change and continuity, and using evidence.

    Grade 10

    At this level, the main goal is to develop an awareness among students to protect their own space, along with spatial values and problems, starting from their immediate surroundings. Topics are explored on a local, national and global scale, and the resulting interactions and fabrics are explained in a holistic manner. The topics that are covered include the Earth’s internal structure and formation, Rocks and their importance, Plate tectonics, Water, Soil and Plants, Population Development, Distribution and Characteristics, Causes and Consequences of Migration in the World and Turkey, Transportation, and Economic activity. When exploring these topics, the global and local problems relating to these elements are analyzed by creating an environment for discussion on the factors that create such problems and their solutions.

    Grade 11

    The Geography courses at this level cover the following topics: Ecosystems, ecological cycles and the effects of human intervention, population policies and their socio-cultural economic effects, urban development and its effects, economic activities in Turkey and the world, the relationship between natural resources and the economy, Turkey’s economic history, sectoral comparison of Turkey’s economy and the economy of other countries, land use in Turkey, effects of appropriate land use and misuse, natural disasters, analysis of developed and underdeveloped countries, and the efficient use of the environment.

    Grade 12

    The course covers extreme natural events, the world of the future, Turkey’s economic activities (tourism and transport), the development level of countries in the global environment, conflict zones, the relationship between countries and natural resources, the changes in nature caused by human activity and presence. Through frequent readings (texts, newspapers, novels, articles), videos and movies relating to the topics, an opportunity is created to discuss the impact of man-made changes in living spaces and to propose solutions. At this level, due to the spiral structure of the Geography program, topics are discussed under the assumption that students can understand what they read, analyze political events in Turkey and the world, and debate such issues. Through the exploration of natural disasters and environmental problems, students are encouraged to discuss methods for protection and prevention.


    Political Geography

    Political Geography explores the political advantages or disadvantages arising from the location of a country, alliance or region, along with the role of countries in the World Political stage. The current political and economic effects of countries cannot be considered separately from the past. For this reason, the effect of internal and external problems, natural resources, and strategic position in the formation of this effect cannot be denied. In this course, topics such as conflict zones between Turkey and the U.S., China, European Union, and all major countries, and oil zones are covered.

    Basic Proficiency Test (TYT) Geography

    The Elective Geography course is offered to Grade 12th students two hours a week. The objective of this course is to prepare students for the university entrance exam. The questions on the TYT, the test which all high school graduates take, cover the geography topics taught in Grade 9th and 10 Geography. The primary aim of this course is to review 9th and 10th grade Geography topics and to offer practice exams on these topics.

    Creativity and Innovation

    This course explores processes that cover various types of innovation, including applications that target creative thinking skills and bring together different disciplines.

    Course Objectives: Cultivating creativity, communication, teamwork, critical thinking, inquiry, and basic entrepreneurship skills. It aims to build skills to generate products or ideas that involve original thinking and social benefit by transcending tradition. Students will develop a roadmap to generate new ideas for a number of social and environmental needs and problems, produce new and unprecedented solutions, and come up with solutions that are more effective than current practices. Students will be able to build onto their innovative thinking and problem solving skills through the experience they gained in this course.

    International Relations

    This course explores the distribution of natural, human and economic events in country, parts of the world, or the entire world, the connections between them along with their causes and consequences, and it discusses views on the functioning of the state. The weakness of the polar regions and equatorial African state structures, the establishment of strong and well-established states in the middle latitudes, and the effect of geography on politics will be examined.

    Students will be able to establish relationships between space, culture, economy, modern world technology, and the past by observing the effect of geographical rules in foreign politics. They will be able to further their skills in interpreting today’s foreign policy and understanding the logic of diplomacy.

    Political Geography

    Trying to understand the advantages and disadvantages of countries, their internal and external geopolitical situations, and all the political, economic and social activities they conduct to reach a political goal. These kinds of international relations. Understanding the status of major countries, alliances, and conflict zones alongside strategic resources.

    Ecology and Environmental Sciences

    The world is increasingly faced with Global Warming and, more generally speaking, environmental problems. Through a curriculum that closely examines the causes, consequences, and potential solutions of environmental problems, the aim is to instill in students an awareness of environmental problems.

    Turkish Language & Literature

    Our Turkish Language and Literature Department conducts education programs with constantly updated and developed course content organized in line with a student-centered approach.

    Our students, who read prominent examples of Turkish and world literature, learn literary analysis methods that they will use actively in their university education, whether domestically or abroad. In our lessons structured with process-oriented assessment and evaluation stages, our students’ literary work and critical writing skills are advanced.

    Our fundamental approach is focused on enabling students to use their mother tongue as an effective tool in communication, to avidly keep track of the art activities around them, to be aware of and sensitive to the problems of the world in which they live, and to become individuals equipped with 21st century skills.


    The goals of the Turkish Language and Literature Department are to equip students with the skills to:

    • Use native language in a proper way and fluently, understand what they read and watch, accurately explain what they have designed based on their listening in a verbal and writing manner and in line with a specific purpose,
    • Internalize national and universal values by being introduced to prominent works in Turkish and world literature,
    • Develop a sensitivity towards art, nature, and events that take place domestically and abroad; keep track of current events,
    • Write literary articles and express their thoughts on the work effectively,
    • Examine a work in its entirety by revealing individual knowledge and skills through process-oriented assessment and evaluation,
    • Draw from their “critical thinking”, “verbal and written communication”, “cultural awareness”, “mother tongue proficiency”, “teamwork”, “multiculturalism”, “effective access to information”, and “educational technologies” skills required for the 21st century to develop their intellectual capacity,
    • Demonstrate their individual differences by using technology appropriately to access information,
    • Apply the values stemming from Atatürk’s principles and reforms at a cultural and universal level.


    Grade 9

    Grade 9 Turkish Language and Literature is taught five hours a week. This course is an introduction to basic literary information and concepts. The success of students in Literature courses in subsequent grades is closely related to how well they absorb the Grade 9 curriculum. The curriculum consists of topics that involve basic knowledge of literature, such as comprehension-interpretation, literary work-movie analysis and comparison techniques, as well as information on genres and texts. At this level, by reinforcing the basic rules of Turkish grammar, students get acquainted with outstanding examples of Turkish and world literature from the genres of theater, poetry, short stories, and novels. The assessment-evaluation process is based on analysis essays on these works, projects, and group work. For this coursework, each student can work according to their own individual interests and abilities and consolidate this through the products they produce at the end of the process.

    Literary works read in class: “Birikim” Lecture Notes, Midas’ın Kulakları (The Ears of Midas), Güngör Dilmen; Fahrenheit 451, Rad Bradbury; a selection of poems and stories from Turkish and world literature

    Grade 10

    Grade 10th Turkish Language and Literature is taught five hours a week. This course covers the periods the Pre-Islamic period (oral and written literature) and Islamic period (Folk Literature and Divan Literature) of Turkish literature. This level targets the theme, the subject, the main idea, the narrowing of the subject, the methods and techniques of expression, the types of expression and the ways of developing the idea, and paragraph and text analyses. In this course, students are introduced to the most prominent works of Turkish and world literature. The assessment-evaluation process is based on analysis essays on these works, projects, and group work. For this coursework, each student can work according to their own individual interests and abilities and consolidate this through the products they produce at the end of the process.

    Literary works read in class: “Birikim” Lecture Notes; Dede Korkut Kitabı (The Book of Dede Korkut); Dönüşüm (The Metamorphosis), Franz Kafka; Simyacı (The Alchemist), Paulo Coelho; Berci Kristin Çöp Masalları (Berji Kristin: Tales from the Garbage Hills), Latife Tekin

    Grade 11

    Grade 11th Turkish Language and Literature is taught five hours a week. With a focus on the concepts of “East-West”, this course covers the Turkish literature period spanning from the Tanzimat (Reorganizations) period to the National Struggle. Moreover, Western literary movements are also examined with the help of literary work/movie analysis in parallel with the literature periods studied. This level targets the theme, the subject, the main idea, the methods and techniques of expression, the types of expression and the ways of developing the idea, and paragraph and text analyses. In this course, students are introduced to the most prominent works of Turkish and world literature. The assessment-evaluation process is based on analysis essays on these works, projects, and group work. For this coursework, each student can work according to their own individual interests and abilities and consolidate this through the products they produce at the end of the process.

    Literary works read in the course: “Birikim” Lecture Notes; Paranın Cinleri (Money Djinns), Murathan Mungan; Sessiz Ev (Silent House), Orhan Pamuk

    Grade 12

    Grade 12th Turkish Language and Literature is taught five hours a week. The course covers the era of Turkish literature spanning from National Literature to the literature of the Republic, thus encompassing contemporary Turkish literature. This level targets the theme, the subject, the main idea, the methods and techniques of expression, the types of expression and the ways of developing the idea, and paragraph and text analyses. In this course, students are introduced to the most prominent works of Turkish and world literature. The assessment-evaluation process is based on analysis essays on these works, projects, and group work. For this coursework, each student can work according to their own individual interests and abilities and consolidate this through the products they produce at the end of the process.


    Cinema and Literature – Grade 11

    The power of cinema lies in its ability to give people access to lives they normally do not have access to by challenging pre-conceived notions and prejudices for the discovery of different kinds of people, worlds, and experiences. At this point, cinema stands out as the “seventh art” when one sees cinema as a branch of art to express themselves. When self-expression comes into play, cinema is more or less related to all the branches of art that preceded it, but it is most strongly related to literature. The only common feature of these two original and independent art branches is their vast freedom in kneading the material. While one manifests self-expression through words, the other establishes its own reality through images. Taking these two arts together will promote the perceptual development of the individual and teach them to look at life from a different perspective.

    The Cinema and Literature course aims to equip students with the skills to:

    • Advance their level of awareness,
    • Gain a unique artistic perspective,
    • Grasp the perception of change in ever-changing areas by taking into consideration the dynamic structure of cinema and literature,
    • Achieve success in their daily and professional lives,
    • Enrich their minds with knowledge of other cultures,
    • Recognize and adopt national, spiritual, moral, cultural, and universal values through the products of the two disciplines,
    • Increase their aesthetic pleasure.

    Movies watched in the course: Various movies from Turkish and world cinema are watched with focus on cinema language.

    Ottoman Turkish – Grade 11

    The “Ottoman Turkish” course targets students in Grades 10th, 11th, and 12th who are interested in language, history, culture, and literature. During this introductory course, first the place of Ottoman Turkish in the history of Turkey Turkish is covered; afterwards, the “alphabet” and its features are introduced followed with how they appear at the “beginning, middle, and end” of a word; lastly, “the properties of vowels, consonants, and affixes, numbers and punctuation” is explored. Following these two-month introductory lessons, journal-newspaper samples from the first quarter of the 20th century and easy texts by the writers/poets of the period are read during the first semester. These texts consist of stories, novels and poetry pieces selected from newspapers, humor magazines and/or poets and writers of the period.

    During the course, which requires students to read texts throughout the second semester, certain grammatical forms that help to understand relatively difficult texts are also discussed. Towards the end of the year, the aim is to read handwritten pieces from the prominent modern literature of the 20th century, such as Sait Faik, Orhan Veli, Sabahattin Ali, Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar, and Aziz Nesin.

    One of the objectives of the course is to encourage students who study intently for the course to establish a bond with culture by taking into consideration the cultural transmission of language, and recognize the historical and cultural fabric of the city in which they live. In this regard, the aim is to introduce students to the booksellers in Istanbul, organize trips to such places, and to participate in book fairs. Furthermore, the course will significant contribute to the vocabulary of the students as they will be required to use the dictionary intensively.

    Critical Reading

    Literature is a world of associations and interpretations. Fictional texts enable the readers to establish conceptual relationships between life and the literary work at various levels of meaning and in multiple ways. Critical reading is defined as thinking about and evaluating what you read, and making a habit of considering your own personal judgements when reading. The critical reading approach involves the use of critical thinking skills in reading. With respect to fictional texts, the reader approaches the text from an inquisitive perspective by interacting with it while also interpreting it. The reader does not take what is described at face value, but rather interprets and reconstructs it.

    The “Critical Reading” course aims to equip students with the skills to:

    • Develop a multi-directional perspective,
    • Understand and interpret themselves and the world,
    • Evaluate events by establishing cause-effect relationships,
    • Generate ideas, organize thoughts, and compare views,
    • Make inferences,
    • Evaluate argumentation and advance their problem solving skills,
    • Think critically and creatively,
    • Perform intertextual reading,
    • Gain an awareness.

    The books read in class: “Eleştirel Okuma (Critical Reading)”, Emin Özdemir, Bilgi Publishing House; “Kırmızı Pazartesi (Red Monday)”, Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

    TED Talks

    Every meaningful step in the development of human beings has been taken because people share their ideas with each other and then collaborate to make these ideas come true.

    The objective of the “TED Talks” course is to reshape rhetoric, i.e. the “art of speaking effectively”, for the modern age, and to create new steps towards a new presentation literacy. The objective of this course is to support all kinds of speeches that aim to explain, inspire, inform or persuade, whether in business life, education or on the stage, and to emphasize that speaking has a unique, exciting, and empowering role. 

    The “TED Talks” course aims to equip students with the skills to:

    1. Grasp the importance of properly and effectively communicating ideas in personal and social life,
    2. Effectively use their voice and body language,
    3. Express their emotions, ideas, and dreams in an effective and coherent manner,
    4. Design their speeches around a metaphor and story,
    5. Present their speeches in a compelling manner,
    6. Understand the importance of enriching vocabulary and making a habit of reading for becoming a good speaker,
    7. Understand the characteristics of a good speaker (physical, psychological, cultural, technical, social, etc.)
    8. Pay attention to use Turkish properly, eloquently, and effectively.

    Resources/Notes used in the course:

    • Chris J. Anderson, TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking
    • MEB, Diction and Rhetoric Teacher Guidebook 9-12
    • Ali Selçuk, Diction and Rhetoric
    • Emin Özdemir, The Art of Speaking
    • Michael C. Corballis, From Hand to Mouth: The Origins of Language
    • Carmine Gallo, Talk Like TED: The 9 Public Speaking Secrets of the World’s Top Minds
    • Carmine Gallo, The Storyteller’s Secret: From TED Speakers to Business Legends
    • Chris J. Anderson, TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking
    • Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

    The Reality of Fiction

    The objective of the “Reality of Fiction” course is to enable students to see the historical background that constitutes the setting for fictional texts and encourage them to discover its effects on the elements of fiction. By examining a selected text under the guidance of literature and history teachers, students gain a holistic view with examples from Turkish and world cinema in addition to the text.

    Sub-goals of the course: 

    • More than one work is selected from Turkish and world literature from the 19th century until present day. Historical and literary analyses of these works are conducted.
    • The effects of historical elements on the plot (time, place, person, event) are examined.
    • In order for the students to perceive the context of place and time, a suitable story is chosen and lessons are planned to be held in the location where the fictional work takes place.

    The “Reality of Fiction” course, planned and designed by history and literature teachers, provides students with the opportunity to gain a different perspective as a concrete indicator of interdisciplinary cooperation.

    National YKS Preparation – Grade 12

    Preparatory study for the exams is supported by printed and digital resources. In this regards, lecture sheets, question banks, subject assessment exams, and practice exams are provided for the topics covered or for the general topic.

    * Letters containing information about the course content, topics, books, after-school studies, resources, and course materials on a level basis are shared with students and parents at the beginning of each academic year.

    Visual Arts

    The Visual Arts Department aims to give every student the opportunity to develop themselves at the highest level through the art-related opportunities offered to them.

    The department tries to provide multiple environments which will help students discover their own potential and express themselves in artistic terms.

    For this reason, the Department attaches importance to the development of social responsibility awareness among students; it supports “Social Responsibility through Art” projects and encourages students to produce projects in this area.

    The Department encourages students to share their personal learning and skills with their friends. Thus, any student can participate in the activities of the “Hisar Series Group Exhibition”.

    The department encourages all students to take part in school projects, out-of-school projects and competitions so that they can discover and express themselves through the arts. The department considers it crucial for students and teachers to meet other schools in art venues and to share their own work; therefore, each year, it participates in extramural activities as well as national and international projects.

    It is important for the department to carry out its activities consistently in all grades, from pre-school to the senior year of High School, with the participation of all the teachers.

    The department gives students the opportunity to visit international spaces in which they can conduct research on their topics of interest selected by them, to apply their experience in daily life, and to create projects according to their interests and skills.

    The department supports each student in consideration of his/her individual characteristics in order to raise individuals who can connect with the past, make use of the culture and artworks of the past in their current works, benefit from interdisciplinary interactions in their art spaces and environments, turn their thoughts into unique artworks, understand the necessity of art and believe that they can use their creativity in any area.


    At Hisar High School, the Visual Arts program is scheduled as follows:

    • Visual Arts and Ceramics classes are offered to the Prep Class and Grades 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th two hours a week
    • Elective Art and Ceramics classes are offered to Grades 10th, 11th, 12th two hours a week
    • AP Studio Art Drawing and AP Studio Art 2D are offered to Grades 11th, 12th four hours a week
    • Moreover, Portfolio and Fashion Design Club classes are offered at various levels.

    The course content is as follows:

    Visual Arts

    The education program for the Visual Arts course is designed to accommodate various aspects consisting of visual communication and forming, cultural legacy, art criticism, and esthetics learning area as well as other skills which increase in parallel to the grade. Naturally, the program supports vertical planning and is oriented towards permanent learning.

    The education program aims to encourage students to keep track of developments in the field of Visual Arts, and thus attend conferences, panels, seminars, and similar events, respect cultural diversity, appreciate nature and be aware of their surrounding environment, and participate in culture and arts activities (exhibition, museum visit, artist workshop) that foster the development of entrepreneurship skills. 

    The acquisition of the competencies and skills listed below enables students to view works of art from a different perspective, and transform their emotions, thoughts, and impressions into original designs.

    The basic skills that are targeted are as follows:

    • Perception 
    • Analysis
    • Use of Information Technologies 
    • Evaluation
    • Multiple-Perspective Thinking 
    • Critical Thinking
    • Hand-Eye-Brain Coordination 
    • Artistic Sensitivity
    • Visual Literacy 
    • Cultural Legacy
    • Ethics of Art 
    • Self-Awareness
    • Design & Media Literacy
    • Observation 
    • Use of Materials
    • Synthesis 
    • Creative Thinking

    Ceramics – Elective

    The Ceramics course is a branch of the plastic arts which involves the union of visual arts and clay and students’ 3 dimensional shaping of their individual perspectives. The course enhances students’ three-dimensional visual perception. The program consists of concept creation, planning, preparing the intellectual and material process for product shaping, followed by self-assessment, analysis, and synthesis upon the completion of the project. The topics of three-dimensional art, moulding, shaping in three dimensions, recognizing ceramic paint and the glazing technique, basic color and composition knowledge, and the firing process of ceramic are covered in the course.

    Pre-AP Studio Art

    Pre-AP Studio Art serves as a preliminary preparation for AP courses offered to students who wish to study, professionally pursue, or receive advanced training on art and design. This course, which was launched for students to understand the content of AP courses and to support their AP portfolios, has fast paced content that requires high levels of concentration, along with good time management and planning. Through course activities, students are introduced to internationally renowned Turkish and foreign artists, and they explore various subjects and experience different materials and techniques.

    AP Studio Art – Elective

    The AP Studio Art Program offers learning experiences equivalent to the art classes taught at the introductory university level. During the course, students are taught the fundamentals of the workshop class. This course is for highly motivated students who are committed to studying art and design. The AP Studio Art Program is intended for students who are seriously interested in portfolio activities and the practical experience of art, and who conduct systematic research to put concepts, composition, aesthetic elements, and ideas into practice, and reflect this in their work.

    University Counseling and Career Center

    Please click to reach Hisar School University Counseling and Career Center page.